The Greek roots of the word photography translate as "writing with light." Welcome to my studio--a place to practice and illuminate good work using writing and photography.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Whole body celebration

It’s a whole body celebration, even her hair follicles beam in the evening light. She began at sunrise with a cup of fresh ground coffee, berries and cream, wheat toast and a Google search for the answers to life’s questions. On the sun-filled upper deck she talked on the phone with forgiveness and compassion for the parent who calls too much, wants too much and struggles with life; and then connected at a distance with the child who seeks counsel, creates her own destiny. They laughed. She arranged a jamboree of information on the page with care and style in the comfort of her well-organized, south-facing office; added a coat of off-white paint to the cabinet that will grace the remodeled bathroom upstairs. She unwound along the river, matched tempo with the black and yellow bumble bees, inhaled their favorite nectar; stopped to look upward at the dignified flight of the heron, the erratic chase of the hawk. Now, on the flower-filled lower deck, hand effortless on the page, she waxes poetic beneath her glowing scalp.

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