The Greek roots of the word photography translate as "writing with light." Welcome to my studio--a place to practice and illuminate good work using writing and photography.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Barbet duets

"too-puddly too-puddly too-puddly"

Meet the versatile black-collared barbet (this one happened to be born with a red head, though it could have been born with a black one). There is no way to tell its sexuality because there is no observable difference between males and females. But get this, there is no solitary song heard from this bird--it sings only as part of a duet. One bird out of a pair sings the first note, then the other bird sings the second note and so on. If you were standing near you would not be able to tell the sound comes from two different birds. The best part is that while it sings, it faces its singing partner, leans forward and bows. 

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