The Greek roots of the word photography translate as "writing with light." Welcome to my studio--a place to practice and illuminate good work using writing and photography.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Something happening here

The cat asked to go out after showing patience for a good part of the winter. "Time to chew on some weeds," he stared, the grassy remnants of last year's crop reflecting from the deck pot through the glass door into his face. A gift of sorts because had I not opened the door I might have missed the cacophony of birds filling the green way, beyond excited because . . .

Sue's crocus are back, old friends with golden hearts who show up no matter what.

And there's trilliums unfurling along the river, calling me to their christening.

Peg's pansies can't be too far off.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tonia, I am in awe! Your pictures are spectacular! I am at a loss for words and your pictures are worth a thousand of them.

    Will Curley
